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Pictured (l-r): the gull's station wagon; animated shaper, h. broadwell; anjova; super pumped anjova rider, e. mason.


Anjova is the terribly clever name ascribed to the instant iteration of hohar’s template. Should you have access to a Spanish to English dictionary, (which you most certainly do in that you are presently browsing the world wide web which is conveniently host to such a thing) the terrible cleverness of this moniker should be readily apparent.

Anjova is a speed-oriented design, built to facilitate a down-the-line surf style in marginal to fair beach break surf. The shape and fin configuration represents our humble modern interpretation of a , the keel fin fish. The design is also taxonomically related to mid-twentieth century efforts by pioneer board builder , as shall hopefully be described and discussed in Richard Kenvin’s much anticipated film project, .

L: 6'’   W: 21’’  T: 2.5’’