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Balsa Baby

Balsa, "baby", is the epitome of punk rock in more ways that you might imagine. You see, prior to balsa "baby", hohar laboratories had surfaced to the general public only as the breeding ground for the euphoric sonicity of the epic pop-punk band, ho-har. While the masses were too busy getting their faces melted, vomiting from musically induced stomach queasiness, and slow dancing like it was prom; many people did not realize the true meaning and significance of hohar laboratories. Behind the front of musical greatness, the labs represented a potently viable thinktank of pretty much total everything. Balsa "baby" marked the realization of one of the labs' missions; to bring a scientifically sound, DIY attitude to the surf industry. Surfers feel the same monetary strains that forced punk rockers to play pawn shop instruments and to press records of their music (yes, grommets, there was a time when it was cheaper to press records than cds!). And surfers can be just as creative (and scientific) as these music maniacs as well. With these inspirations in mind, the balsa project was initiated to fabricate a board from materials that are not of the industry standard (mostly from Michael's and Home Depot) that excels in small wave surf . The end result was an extremely attractive, competently performing board without an excessive monetary committment.
L: 6'   W: 23"