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POSSUP carry-on luggage

Admittedly, living on an active margin of a large, mostly unobstructed basin sans large continental shelf wave energy dissipation has its advantages. Thus, the bottom line is that on the east coast, man is left to his own devices more so than on the west coast. While west coasters have a hard time trying to be creative on "flat" days, days that actually have perfectly rideable waves with 4ft+ faces, east coasters are faced with the challenge of what to do on days that are truely FLAT (like this:  _______ ). Attention east coasters, POSSUP is your answer. POSSUP is an acronym that stands for Piece Of S%@$ Stand-Up Paddleboard. It is a very very large board resulting from a very large undertaking that recently attracted quite a bit of attention from the shaping forum, . With this board, the size of the wave is a non-issue. You will find that the most important issue is the size of your arms, torso, legs, and lungs. Paddling this thing is a work-out, to say the least, and riding it proves challenging as well. When playing with POSSUP we suggest keeping in mind the advice of the Duke; ""
L: 12'   W: 29"